Recycled fibres

Voith supplies extension of recycled fibre plant for JSC Yarpaper


JSC Yarpaper the Russian producer of paper and board, has signed a contract with Voith for the extension of its existing recycled fibre line. A previous plant audit was carried out by Voith with the aim of identifying the best solution as regards final product quality, operating and investment costs. The order includes Voith BlueLine stock preparation components such like a protector system, the HiClean HCL5 EcoMizer cleaning system, the EFK thickener and various IntegraScreens for coarse screening, splitting and fine screening.  The extension will increase the quantity of recycled Fiber (270.000 BDT/day) and improve the quality and stability of waste paper for the PM1, which produces testliner and fluting in the range of 90 to 160 gsm.  Basic engineering, process pumps and site services are completing the scope of Voith supply.

The protector system based on InduraHiClean high consistency cleaners is removing heavy contaminants in a two-stage system. In the first stage, two cleaners are operating with a continuous reject flow into a sedimentation tank.  The remaining heavy contaminants are removed by a second stage cleaner. Besides the heavy contaminants also smaller particles such like sand or stones are removed in a safe way.  With the protector system, the subsequent equipment in the process line will be protected from wear resulting in the reliable and sustainable operation of the plant.

As low consistency cleaner, use of the the HiClean HCL5 EcoMizer cleaner system is foreseen. The innovative EcoMizer backflushing technology from Voith enables inlet consistencies up to 3%, resulting in reduced energy consumption, lower investment costs and reduced fiber losses.

IntegraScreens will be used at different screening and fractionation stages.  Voith will supply the most appropriate type of rotors and screen baskets for the different technological requirements at the various screening tasks and stages. This will result in highest efficiency and operational reliability, combined with low energy consumption.  For the thickening, economical EFK drum folding thickeners will be installed for the long and short fibre fraction.  This equipment is characterized by ease of installation based on a reliable and simple operation.  Stainless steel wires embedded in glass fiber reinforced plastic frames are offering clear advantages for minor maintenance efforts.

”By choosing Voith, which is one of the leading process suppliers in the pulp and paper industry, we made sure that the ambitious goals of the project will be fully achieved”, says Sergey Dotsenko, CEO of JSC Yarpaper.