
Valmet will supply a fine paper making line with stock preparation, an extensive scope of automation and a recovery boiler for Sun Paper in Beihai, China


Customer: Sun Paper in Beihai 

Production: Fine paper

Supplier: Valmet 

Description: Valmet will supply a fine paper making line with stock preparation, an extensive scope of automation and a recovery boiler for Sun Paper in Beihai, China. Also, another stock preparation line for a different Sun Paper site will be supplied. The new high-capacity fine paper making line is designed to produce high-quality woodfree uncoated paper (WFU) grades, and the recovery boiler is designed for high power generation and environmental performance.

Details: The value of the orders will not be disclosed. The total value of orders of this type and delivery scope is typically around EUR 130-150 million. Valmet’s delivery is part of Sun Paper’s new greenfield mill in Beihai, which will eventually have a total pulp and paper capacity of 3.5 million tonnes annually. The mill will be constructed in two phases over approximately five years.

Start up: The start-ups of the paper making line and the recovery boiler are scheduled for 2021.