Valmet achieves the best A rating in CDP’s climate listing


Valmet has been recognized for its climate work by receiving the best A rating in CDP’s climate listing. 

CDP’s evaluation is based on the company’s disclosure about its strategy, targets, governance, risks and opportunities, risk management and actions in the last reporting year related to climate change mitigation and development of low-carbon technology and solutions. 

“Being aknowledged among the leaders in sustainability with the CDP’s A rating, is a positive proof of our climate work and ambitious targets. We have consistently moved forward with our Climate Program that covers the entire value chain, and to enable carbon neutral production to our customers around the world. We are pleased with the results so far, while recognizing the importance for continued efforts,” says Anu Salonsaari-Posti, SVP, Marketing, Communications, Sustainability and Corporate Relations.

The implementation of its Climate Program is a high priority for Valmet. The program covers the company’s entire value chain: supply chain, own operations and the use phase of Valmet’s technologies and services by its customers. During 2023, the company achieved its target of enabling 100 percent carbon neutral production for its pulp, paper and energy customers, seven years ahead of the target. In own operations, Valmet made significant energy efficiency investments to reduce CO2 emissions in its locations and continued purchasing CO2-free electricity, reaching 100 percent CO2 neutral electricity purchases in Finland and Sweden in 2023. In the supply chain, the company has succeeded in engaging more than 90 highest-emitting suppliers to take climate actions.

CDP is an international non-profit organization that drives companies and governments to manage their environmental impacts. CDP’s list of all companies publicly taking part in its climate disclosure this year is available on CDP’s website.