
The Italian paper companies which have fewer accidents, have been awarded


Last May in the Foundation “Fondazione Giuseppe Lazzareschi” of Porcari (Italia), the annual ceremony of Obiettivo Zero (Objective Zero) took place, the awarding of  the most virtuous Italian paper companies for the reduction of accidents at work: a project born from the Fondazione Giuseppe Lazzareschi whose objective is to spread the culture of Safety and which every year – to keep the attention on health and safety high – awards the companies which improve their performances related to accidents. A project encouraged and supported by various institutions such as Assocarta, the Industrial Associations of the Provence of  Lucca, Inail Lucca, Az. Usl 2 Lucca, the Prefecture and the Provence of  Lucca and the Department of Economy and Management of the University of Pisa.

Among the sponsors of Obiettivo Zero, Ecolstudio  made available to the Lazzareschi Foundation a series of initiatives aimed at the diffusion of safety in the companies and the prevention of accidents: the sponsorship of a free workshop on safety in the paper sector, recognized for the delivery of training credits for the RSPP (Responsible of the Service of Prevention and Protection); audits in the companies which did not have excellent results in order to verify and share with them the aspects which can be improved; e-learning training, recognized by the Agreement Stato-Regioni  (State-Region) for the training of the RSPP. «Training is the basis of our awareness», said Guido Fornari of Ecolstudio, «and awareness leads to behavior which can prevent accidents at work».

The awarded companies

This year twenty paper companies were awarded, many paper mills of the Lucca area, received the award: Airtissue Castelnuovo Garfagnana, Delicarta Valdottavo, Fibrocellulosa of Fornoli, Ds Smith Packaging Italia of Porcari, Wepa Lucca of Porcari, The Paper mill of the Lucca area of Diecimo, Cipeco (Gallicano), Sca Hygiene Products of  Porcari (plants of via Bernardini and of via del Frizzone), Deni (Porcari), Cartindustria Eurocarta (Porcari), Celtex (Montecarlo), Cartiera Carma (Carraia), Wepa Lucca of Salanetti, Delicarta Porcari Converting AFH, Sca Hygiene Products of Badia Pozzeveri. Among the others awarded with the  Obiettivo Zero (zero objective) trophy, in addition to the Tuscan  Infibra (Cenaia), the plants located in other Italian regions: Ideal Cart (Sermoneta), Airtissue di Avigliano I.C.O. (Sambuceto), Burgo Group (Villorba), Ahlstrom Turin (Mathi), Garda Paper Mills Garda (Riva del Garda), Delicarta Monfalcone e I.C.O. Pianella.