Installations&Startings | Sweden

Upgrades for recovery boiler and evaporation line at Södra Cell


Valmet will supply Södra Cell Mönsterås pulp and paper mill: a recovery boiler upgrade and an evaporation line upgrade. The delivery is scheduled for the fall 2016. The order was included in Valmet’s first quarter 2016 orders received. The value of the order is not disclosed. The value of an upgrade of this scope is usually valued below EUR 6 million.

«Recovery boilers need consistent upgrades at regular intervals. This kind of upgrade needs to be done due to the erosion and corrosion of the recovery boiler tubes based on third party inspection evaluation findings. We have been a trusted services partner for this replacement work with Södra Cell Mönsterås for several years and we are happy to continue good co-operation with them», says Marcus Grundevik, Sales and Project Manager from Valmet.

Valmet’s delivery includes replacement of several recovery boiler and evaporation line parts and additionally a new concentrated non-condensable gases (CNCG) burner system.

As part of this upgrade the evaporation line 2 will be equipped with new Valmet Tubel heating surface area in one of the effects. In a Valmet Tubel Concentrator liquor is evaporated on the outside of the tubes for easy on-line washing and to avoid chemical or mechanical off-line washing.

Södra Cell Mönsterås pulp mill (photo Södra/Ola Åkeborn).
Södra Cell Mönsterås pulp mill (photo Södra/Ola Åkeborn).