Paper culture

The third Edition of the biennial prize of the Fondazione G. Fedrigoni Istocarta is talking Spanish


The Fondazione Gianfranco Fedrigoni, European Institute of the History of Paper and Paper Sciences, has announced the start of the 3rd edition of the biennial prize promoted by the Fondazione G. Fedrigoni Istocarta, which, from this year, is becoming “international” and “itinerant”. First stop, Spain. The prize, which will be distributed amongst the main Spanish universities, as well as the most important archives, libraries, is for the author of a particularly deserving, unpublished monograph relating to the history of paper and connected disciplines, which has as its subject matter “Oriental and Western paper in Spain”. The following people can take part: scholars, researchers, those about to graduate, graduates, without age limit, resident in Spain. The Fondazione G. Fedrigoni Istocarta will give the prize-winner the sum of 5,000.00 euros (five thousand/00).

The application form, containing the candidate’s data (for further information, please see the website), must be sent to the Fondazione G. Fedrigoni Istocarta, viale Pietro Miliani 31/33, 60044 Fabriano (Italy), not later than 30 November 2016.