
The Paper sector is in a key position to support the EU in becoming fit for 2050



By Massimo Medugno

General Manager Assocarta

On the path to decarbonise the European economy, 2030 is a critical year. Achieving ambitious carbon emission reductions requires new investment projects to be designed in order to deliver the decarbonisation targets.
Coupling the post-Coronavirus crisis transition with the carbon-neutral transition could be our chance to reshape the European economy by strengthening the resilience of its industrial value chains and rewarding sustainable circular business models.
The paper industry is committed to doing its part: our renewable and recycled paper solutions are made in Europe from predominantly European sustainably growing forests and recycled in Europe.
The paper industry is “life sustaining” and it provide essential goods and solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s societal needs.
Furthermore, the paper industry has already achieved a 29% reduction of carbon emissions from 2005 to date, making our sector’s direct emissions accountable for less than 0.7% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions: a leading performance amongst industrial sectors!
Just as climate change is global, so is the paper industry.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme contains provisions for a partially free allocation of allowances and the possibility of a compensation for indirect costs.
Even if these measures are not enough to hold up a level playing field, they will support our sector in keeping up at international level. An even more ambitious target of 55% is about to be put in place.
The Pulp and Paper sector is in a key position to support the EU in becoming fit for 2050. This sector has several potentials to substantially and sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to increase the Circularity.
The paper industry needs to be confident of the future and profitable in order to be able to deliver huge levels of financial investment over a number of years, likely working in partnership with equipment suppliers, energy partners, financial companies and drawing support from the public sector.