Circular economy

The EU is trying to close the loop


The European Commissionhas published a complete report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the Circular Economyadopted in December 2015 and explains that «the report shows the main results of the implementation of the action plan and outlines the open challenges to pave the way for a competitive and carbon-neutral circular economy, in which pressure on natural resources, freshwater and eco-systems is minimized. According to the EU Commission, «three years after its adoption, the action plan for the circular economy is now deemed to be fully completed. All the 54 actions foreseen by the plan have been implemented or are currently being implemented. The report concludes that the implementation of the action plan for the circular economy has speeded up the transition towards a circular economy in Europe, which in turn has contributed to bring the EU back to a positive path that will promote employment growth. In 2016 over four million workers found a job in sectors related to the circular economy, i.e. 6% more compared to 2012. Circularity has further more paved the way for new business opportunities, given birth to new business models and developed new markets, both inside and outside the EU. In 2016 circular economy related activities, like repair, reuse or recycling, generated an added value of nearly 147 billion Euros, thereby registering investments worth about 17.5 billion Euros».