July 2015

Table of Contents


Editorial | What does “green good” mean? by Massimo Medugno, 6

Enterprises&Markets by Margherita Baron, 8

Installations&Startings by CI, 12

Europe | The European Sustainable Energy Week 2015 by P. Capellini 14


An opportunity not to be lost for the whole chain by Daniele Bussini, 16

Research & Innovation: 2015 has begun with something new from Horizon 2020.




Outi Jnuti                                                            18

Overview on Energy

Europe’s steps by Federico Reguzzi, 22

The Energy Union: the five points of the Union’s policy.

Food packaging

Bio-Board: from whey proteins by Chiara Italia, 26

A biodegradable barrier from Italian researchers.

Overview on Energy

A goal of energy efficiency by Federico Reguzzi,  32

Custom-made cogeneration, specifically designed with integrated eco recovery.


The untapped potential of recycled cardboard by Chiara Italia, 36

Environment&Sustainability: Innovative solutions come from research.

News by CI, 38