
Specialty paper manufacturer Cartiere di Guarcino selected Toscotec for the rebuild of PM2 at its Guarcino paper mill near Frosinone in Italy


Customer: Guarcino Paper Mills 

Production: Specialty paper

Supplier: Toscotec and Voith 

Description: Specialty paper manufacturer Cartiere di Guarcino selected Toscotec for the rebuild of PM2 at its Guarcino paper mill near Frosinone in Italy. The rebuild consists of the modification of the paper machine’s forming and press sections with installation of both Toscotec’s and Voith’s technology. In the forming section, the supply of a customized breast roll and Voith’s FloatBearings will substantially enhance paper formation by boosting the performance of an existing shaking unit. Secondly, the installation of Voith’s EdgeMasters on the forming wire will deliver optimal paper web edge. Finally, the rebuild of the Fourdrinier section will be completed by a new wire stretcher and tail cutting unit.

In the press section, Toscotec will supply an additional press nip with associated felt run, the overhauling of the hydraulic system, and a technological doctoring system equipped with savealls to improve water removal. The PM2’s press rolls will be equipped with polyurethane covers customized by Voith for each position: an AquaFlow cover on the first nip to minimize shadow marking and a SolarPress cover on the second and third nips to optimize dewatering. The service package of the rebuild includes erection supervision, commissioning, and start up assistance.

Details: The project has a twofold purpose of enhancing paper quality and increasing production capacity. By ensuring the shaking system’s efficient operation, the rebuild will increase fibres orientation in cross direction and deliver a more homogeneous distribution. This will result in better formation and improved paper quality. The modification of the press section will boost post-press drying rate, leading to a production increase.

Start up: The project is scheduled for December 2022.