Paper Mills

Pro-Gest acquires the historical Burgo plant in Mantova


The Burgo Group Board of Directors sold the Mantova plant to the Pro-Gest holding company from Treviso, which is owned by the Zago family. The plant, which has been inactive since 2013, has 188 redundant employees. The operation is expected to be finalized in spring 2016, when Pro-Gest plans the new start of the Burgo paper mill in Mantua. Bruno Zago, who is the owner of the group from Vicenza, made the deal with a 16 million Euros binding offer that was accepted by the Burgo Group; however, he led to believe that the plant needs equally large investments to start production again and that the corresponding implementation times will be long, given the necessary time for the modernization of the installations. The purchase of the paper mill by Pro-Gest would help maintain productions in Italy: this factor has always characterized the group from Treviso, which has always been deeply rooted to Italy.

The Pro-Gest group was founded in 1973 by Bruno Zago. It registered over 350 million Euros turnover in 2014 and is today active in the production of paper, cardboard and packaging in Italy. From 2012 to 2014 the group sales increased by 25%, while its Ebitda went from 33 to 50 million Euros. The holding company controls 19 businesses and has over 1,000 employees. It covers the entire production cycle from paper to packaging: it produces 850 thousand tons paper, processes 800 million square metres corrugated cardboard and develops 1.5 billion containers, small and large, for the packaging of any kind of product. Confirmation of the acquisition was communicated through the group portal on 27th March 2015.