
Modesto Cardella paper mill: to rebuild the dryer sections of PM3 and PM4


Customer: Cartiere Modesto Cardella, San Pietro a Vico (Lucca)

Production: Corrugated cardboard

Supplier: Toscotec

Start-up: the final start-up is scheduled for fall of 2017

Production rate: 200 thousand tonnes per year

Characteristics: the order is to rebuild the dryer sections of PM3 and PM4 thanks to TT SteelDryers

Details: this is the third orders of three, a first order of 8 TT SteelDryers and 4 TT Uni-Run Vac-Rolls were supplied and started up in 2014, a second order of 14 new TT SteelDryers in place of cast iron dryers were provided for PM3 in 2016 and already successfully started-up. A third order of 17 TT SDs has been repeated for the PM4.