
Lucart wins the Sodalitas Social Award


The Lucart spa Fiberpack project has won the special award “Best in Class”, as part of the 14th edition of the Sodalitas Social Award: almost 2 billion retrieved beverage cartons, approximately 900,000 trees saved, which would have been necessary for the production of the equivalent amount of virgin fibre paper, over 52,000 tons of CO avoided, thanks to the would be landfill waste of beverage cartons. These are the environmental benefits achieved in three years from 2013-2015 from the Lucart Group’s Fiberpack project.

This award is further confirmation of the commitment of the Group which adopts development models that respect human rights, the regenerative capacity of the Earth and community well-being. With the Fiberpack project, Lucart has succeeded in transforming the disposal of containers for beverages such as Tetra Pak® into a true circular business model, reusing all the components and avoiding the dispersion of landfill from the containers, with significant social and environmental benefits.