Business strategy

Lucart Group takes over the Hungarian Bokk Paper KFT


Through its holding company Lucart spa, the Lucart Group took over 100% of the share capital of Bokk Paper kft, i.e. the most important Hungarian independent company on the Away From Home (A.F.H.) market for paper products for the hygiene sector. The firm has already taken on the name Lucart kft. This is basically a company based in Esztergom, i.e. about 50 kilometres north of Budapest, which is active in the field of paper products for the hygiene sector on the professional market. The company has 55 employees and a turnover of 7.5 million Euros. Over one third of its volume of sales comes from exports to Eastern European countries. About 80% of its sales is to be attributed to Bokk Paper branded products.

The Lucart Group CEO Massimo Pasquini explains that «we have had an excellent relation with Bokk Paper for over ten years. Today, given its geographical position, its excellent market reputation and the perfect harmony between their marketing strategy and our marketing strategy in the A.F.H. sector, we believe that this acquisition is the ideal opportunity for our Group to further branch out on Eastern European markets».

Mr. Pasquini goes on and says that «we are firmly convinced that the acquisition and integration of Bokk Paper in the Lucart Group will make it possible for us to strengthen our presence on the A.F.H. markets of Central and Eastern Europe and at the same time to offer our current and potentially customers our best services and products.

«We believe that the sale of our company to the Lucart Group is the best solution to give continuity to our entrepreneurial project and ensure the future growth of our business», says Zsolt Király, one of the former owners of Bokk Paper. «That is why my partner József Orlovits and I will continue work in our capacity as Managing Directors of the company to ensure an easier and more efficient integration of our company within the Lucart Group».