
Long-term mill maintenance services agreement


Valmet and Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd. have signed an agreement for the maintenance services for the company’s board machines and pulp mill in China.

«Valmet manufactured the main equipment in our mill, and we are looking forward to good cooperation with Valmet in the next few years. Valmet’s maintenance services combine its daily maintenance expertise with support from product, process, and automation specialists worldwide. Professional people can do professional things – we believe that!» says Wang Bo, Mill Director of Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper.

«This is Valmet’s first maintenance outsourcing order in China, and it shows the trend of mill maintenance services as well. This customer is showing strong trust in Valmet’s professionalism by choosing us to supply their maintenance services. Valmet’s services team will help the mill to improve performance and product quality while lowering costs and risks» says Jiang Bo, Senior Manager, Maintenance Outsourcing and Agreement Management, Services business line, China, Valmet.