
Buckman Europe Achieves OHSAS 18001 Certification for their Ghent Facility


In May 2016 Buckman achieved OHSAS 18001 certification in Europe for implementation and operation of a management system for occupational safety and health, intended to control risks and improve performance. Europe joins four other Buckman associate companies – China, Mexico, Singapore, and South Africa – to hold this prestigious certification. Buckman promotes their safety program, “Safe by Choice”, at all company and customer sites to raise awareness of safety and health issues in the workplace. Buckman is guided by the golden principle that all occupational illnesses and injuries can be prevented.

For this reason the OHSAS 18001 certification is the perfect tool to establish appropriate safety and health policy for companies like Buckman who encourage continuous improvement in all areas. With this certification, Buckman completes its goal of maintaining the highest standard of production and quality in the chemical industry.