
ICFPA 2013 report: towards Green Economy


Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 16%, share of bio energy in the mix of fuels increased by 58%; also the number of certified hectares and the overall rate of paper recycling have increased, while SO2 emissions have reduced. These are the data from 2013 Sustainability Progress Report published by the International Council of Forest and Paper Association (ICFPA) who see an increasingly green sector.

The International Council of Forest and Paper Association (ICFPA) published its 2013 Sustainability Progress Report which shows improvements on a number of sustainability indicators and focuses on the contributions of a sector that moves more and more towards green economy. Its members, who are 38 forest and paper associations from 36 countries, have strong and clear commitments for sustainable development, demonstrating willingness to work with other entities interested in ensuring that environmental, social and economic benefits as well as forest resources are available for current and future generations. Since historical CEO Leadership Statement on Sustainability of 2006, ICFPA has been publishing a biannual report on progress and performance of its members in areas such as climate change, sustainable forest management, fight against illegal logging, and investments in people and communities. And this year it shows how the forest and paper industry support green economy through five key areas: resource efficiency, organic products, innovative technologies, Carbon Capture and Storage, and improved well-being of communities. A sort of forum for a global dialogue, a true connective tissue for the coordination and cooperation between forest and paper associations.

Donna Hartman, President and CEO at the American Forest & Paper Association and president at ICFPA.

«Our industry is different in contributing to the economic development and social well-being of communities across the globe» said Donna Harman, president and CEO at the American Forest & Paper Association and president at ICFPA. «Our global industry is working every day to improve our practices and ensure that we deliver sustainably-produced, renewable, natural products to our domestic and global customers. We are proud of our accomplishments and we look forward to future progress as we contribute to sustainable development through new products and services in a green economy».

Sustainability indicators

1. Greenhouse gas emissions intensity has been reduced by 16 percent between 2005 and 2011.

2. The share of bio-energy in the industry’s fuel mix has increased by 5 percentage points since 2005 to 58 percent.

3. The number of hectares certified to a third-party sustainable forest management certification system increased by 38 percentage points since 2000 to 50 percent of wood supply.

4. Global paper recycling rates have increased by 10 percentage points between 2001 and 2011 to 56 percent.

5. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions decreased by 34 percent between 2005 and 2011.

Better sustainability

What resulted from the Icfpa report shows global improvements in the field of sustainability: a contribution that comes from associations from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Europe, India, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, and United States: «The 2013 Sustainability Progress Report shows global improvements on a range of sustainability indicators: greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced; the share of bio-energy in the industry’s fuel mix has increased; the number of hectares certified to a third-party sustainable forest management certification system has increased; global paper recycling rates have increased; and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions have decreased, «states Donna Harman, and she adds:» There are a number of exciting developments from countries around the globe. The 2013 Sustainability Progress Report provided examples of how the forest and paper industry is supporting a green economy through five key areas: resource efficiency, bio-based products, innovative technologies, carbon capture, and improved well-being of communities.»

Right: Icfpa Reporting Member GHG Emissions (Cepi, AF&PA, FPAC, JPA, Pamsa and Bracelpa). Left: Icfpa Reporting Member Share of Bio-Energy in Fuel Mix (Cepi, AF&PA, Fpac, JPA, Pamsa and Bracelpa).

The first time for China, India and Malaysia

A work that improves and strengthens with the involvement of an increasing number of countries: «We would like for more associations to participate in the future reporting process, so that more recognition can be given to the global industry’s progress. China, India and Malaysia, for example, were first-time members reporting for the 2013 Sustainability Progress Report” states Hartman, “we hope to continue this positive trend”. Countries with mutual projects in the sustainability field: «ICFPA has a number of policy statements agreed upon by its members. They are regularly reviewed and  available on the ICFPA Website: many of these joint statements relate to issues of sustainability for which ICFPA members have consistent policies and extensive programs in support of the policies».

Global Paper Recycling Rates. (Source: RISI’s Annual Review of Global Pulp and Paper Statistics).

The role of Sustainability Reporting Working Group

In order to coordinate a work involving many «actors», there is a Sustainability Reporting Working Group made of six associations (AF & PA, Bracelpa, Cepi, Fpac, JPA and Pamsa) that have specific skills: «Most of the associations in the Sustainability Reporting Working Group are the original founding associations of the ICFPA. They are some of the largest associations in the Council, which means that they are able to provide the support, staff time and guidance needed to complete the Sustainability Progress Report. Each association also has well-developed system for collecting environmental performance data for their respective industries. The Sustainability Reporting Working Group’s meetings are dependent on the timing of the report, when preparing the report, they have regular conference calls. They also are responsible for outreach and collection of information from their regions of the world.»

Icfpa Reporting Member Sulfur Dioxide Emissions (AF&PA, Fpac, Cepi and JPA).

The key points of the Sixth biennial international CEOs Roundtable

In June took plasce, in São Paulo (Brazil), the sixth biennial international Roundtable CEOs where more than 50 CEOs and association leaders from around the world met to address issues of common interest, including the consequences of economic pressures on forests from the demand for food, fuel and fiber, the impacts of government policies and programs on the forest products industry, and how to position the industry in its transition for the future. Interests which outweigh the differences, despite the high number of associations from different origins: «Global government policies have a large impact on the forest products industry’s operations and markets. There is strong agreement in the international community related to the positive role of forests, forest products and the related renewable energy produced in our manufacturing facilities in combatting climate change».

Let’s take a look at the items we dealt with and the tools to achieve the goals: «CEOs and association leaders discussed the need for greater forest productivity to meet future population needs for food, fuel, fiber and innovative products – including cosmetic, pharmaceutical, bioenergy, biotextiles and others. Forest biotechnology is one of many tools, but it faces social and political hurdles for acceptance in some parts of the world.Improving the quantity and quality of recycled fiber, particularly in emerging countries, is another important way to increase the fiber supply along with traditional methods in the forest.»

Summary of progress on global sustainability indicators

Relevant Commitment Global Indicator Metric Baseline Year Reporting Year Change
Creating solutions to globalclimate change and energysupply challenges GHG Intensity mt CO2eq/mt production(Scope 1 + 2 combined)  0.72004/05 0.62010/11 -16%
Share of Bio-Energyin Fuel Mix(NEW in 2013 )


% of onsite energy needsmet by biomass and renewablefuel sources


53%2004/05  58%2010/11  +5 percentage points
Promoting sustainable forestmanagement worldwide  SFM CertifiedHectares  % SFM certified hectares 12%2000  50%2011 +38percentage points 
Fibre use and recovery Global Recycling Rates % of recovered paper usedby paper and paperboardmills from total paper and

paperboard production


46%2000  56%2011 +10percentage points 
Environmental management SO2 Emissions(NEW in 2013)  kg SO2/mt production 2.02004/05/06  1.32010/2011 -34%

The future belongs to everyone

Finally, participants discussed positioning the global forest products industry for the future. «Our industry needs to better communicate its strengths as an industry based on a renewable and sustainably managed forest resource that is evolving by producing new, value-added products in addition to traditional wood, paper and packaging products. The transformation of the industry is expected to improve the image of the industry, add value to products, and ensure that the industry attracts talented workers and managers in the future». And the future projects? «The ICFPA Steering Committee will have meetings to discuss the recommendations from the Roundtable CEOs. In addition, we have task forces that will be working on climate change policies, forest plantation policies and industry communications. And we will publish the next Sustainability Report in ICFPA 2015».

Icfpa members

Country/Region Association Acronym
Australia Australian Forest Products Association(1) Afpa
Brazil Brazilian Pulp and Paper Association Bracelpa
Canada Forest Products Association of Canada        Fpac 
Chile Corporación Chilena de la Madera Corma
China China Paper Association Cpa
Europe Confederation of European Paper Industries(2) Cepi 
India Indian Paper Manufacturers Association Ipma
Japan Japan Paper Association Jpa
Lebanon Syndicate of the Owners of Paper and Packaging Industries in Lebanon  Sopil 
Malaysia Malaysia Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association  Mppma 
New Zealand New Zealand Forest Owners’ Association  Nzfoa 
Russia The Russian Association ofPulp & Paper Organizationsand Enterprises



South Africa Paper ManufacturersAssociation of South Africa  Pamsa 
United States American Forest & PaperAssociation  AF&PA 

(1) In 2011, the National Association of Forest Industries and the Australian Plantation Products and Paper Industry Council (A3P) merged to form the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA).

(2) Representing 18 National Pulp and Paper Associations from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.