Customer: Hengan International
Location: Changji mill, Xinjiang
Production: Tissue paper
Supplier: Toscotec
Start-up: January 2018
Speed: 1,600 m/min
Width: 2.8 m
Description: Hengan International has successfully started up the second of two Toscotec-supplied tissue machines.
Details: Both tissue machines are equipped with single layer headbox, one large diameter TT SuctionPressRoll, second generation TT SYD with improved rib design, TT Milltech natural gas high efficiency hood and steam and condensate removal system. The scope of supply also includes DCS/MCS, as well as erection supervision, start up assistance and training programs. Hengan and Toscotec sealed their partnership at the end of a project that started one year ago with the order of two tissue machines, PM25 (started up in November 2017) and PM26, producing a total increase of 50,000 tons per year to Hengan’s production.