Balance sheet

Heinzel Group’s EBITDA down


The Heinzel Group increased production in both the paper and pulp segments in the 2020 financial year, with total production rising to 1.6 million metric tons in 2020. Total sales volume amounted to 3.7 million metric tons and was slightly lower than in 2019 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Coupled with lower market prices, the Heinzel Group’s net sales consequently declined to EUR  1,611.7 million.

Although lower wood prices and large-scale savings measures had a positive effect, the Heinzel Group’s EBITDA, at EUR  126 million, fell to the level of 2017.  The group’s EBIT decreased to EUR  57.7 million and net profit for the year to EUR  39.9 million. Against this backdrop it is all the more remarkable that the Heinzel Group was able to completely free itself from debt and increase the equity ratio to 59.2%.

Significant price increases for nearly all paper and pulp qualities since the beginning of the year gives the Heinzel Group reason to view the year 2021 with optimism despite an increase in raw material prices.

With its industrial companies Zellstoff Pöls (Austria), Laakirchen Papier (Austria), Raubling Papier (Germany) and Estonian Cell (Estonia), Heinzel Group, which is united under the Heinzel Holding umbrella, is one of the main producers of market pulp and packaging paper in Central and Eastern Europe.