Two Sides answers Google about «Go Paperless in 2013»

Twosides answers Google about «Go Paperless in 2013»

In response to the initiative «Go Paperless in 2013» sponsored by Google, Two Sides writes an open letter to Google CEO Eric Schmidt. With the letter Two Sides stressed how the ad campaign appeals to environment to promote digital services to the companies involved in the initiative, without taking into account that electronic communication implies an environmental impact and records a growth in relevant waste. The announcement of «Go paperless in 2013», i.e. paperless office, coincided with the launch of new Two Sides campaign «No Wonder You Love Paper» , which aims at informing consumers about the level of sustainability achieved by paper-based communication. 70% (source: ERPC) of used paper is collected and recycled in Europe: with 2,000 kg processed per second, paper is the most recycled material in Europe. In addition, the forest area in Europe grew by 30% compared to 1950 (source: FAO): every year forests grow by an area accounting to 1.5 million football fields (about 850,000 ha).

Twosides is part of the wider European Print Power Europe project which is supported by thirteen European countries), and which promotes the integration of paper and digital tools in the media mix. Integration in which Google believes, too, since it is considered one of the best-practises in the use of paper Direct Mail in the United States and Canada for the promotion of one’s own business (source: DMA).