European Paper Week – It’s all about competitiveness

European pulp and paper industry concludes successful event


The European pulp and paper industry successfully concluded its 16th European Paper Week, titled «It’s all about competitiveness». The three-day event brought together over 350 participants from the sector, related organisations as well as the European institutions, providing a high-level discussion and networking platform.

Sessions not only dealt with the competitiveness of industry, but also the overall competitiveness of the EU economy. Energy costs and regulatory burden were key themes.

The focus of the Juncker Commission on jobs, growth and competitiveness is crucial for Europe. «This week showed the new European Commission launching a 300 billion euro investment package, putting a focus on better regulation and assessing the member states’ budgets. We call upon the European Commission to follow these actions with a new single project for Europe – Competitiveness,» said Gary McGann, Cepi (Confederation of European Paper Industries) chairman.

Cepi launched its Pact with EU policy makers, a call for cooperation with the Juncker Commission. It underlines the industry’s 5 billion euro investments in Europe over the next three years and the strong need for adequate policymaking to enable this.

Cepi further announced its participation in a joint project on ecodesign for paper products with the prestigious World Economic Forum.

Throughout the event, the industry reaffirmed its positioning as a strategic sector playing an active role in the bioeconomy. The sector remains focused on innovation as the way forward. Renowned economist Professor Mariana Mazzucato enticed a packed audience with her views on the government’s role in innovation, or the «entepreuneurial state».

«Following the Cepi 2050 roadmap and Two Team project last year, we have helped build the bio-based industries Public Private Partnership and launched consortia to develop the Two Team concepts. Professor Mazzucato shows us the next step ahead – the design of EU innovation policy, post 2020,» said Marco Mensink, CEPI Director General.

Cepi Director General Marco Mensink welcoming the participants.
Cepi Director General Marco Mensink welcoming the participants.