Cepi news

ETS review: European paper industry commends rejection of tiered approach


«NO to a tiered approach on carbon leakage and YES to a dynamic and predictable benchmark’s reduction» says Nicola Rega (in the picture), Climate Change and Energy Director representing the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi).

Nicola Rega, Climate Change and Energy Director representing the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi).
Nicola Rega, Climate Change and Energy Director representing the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi).

The proposed flexibility in setting the auction share together with proposed solutions to help member states with compensation for indirect carbon costs and the wider-ranging fund for innovation are also welcomed by our industry.

We recognise the efforts made towards reaching a broad political agreement embracing almost all the political groups. This is a very positive signal as it demonstrates the strong consensus behind this vote. We fully congratulate the rapporteur, Frederik Federley and shadow rapporteurs Esther de Lange, Edouard Martin and Hans-Olaf Henkel for their commitment to achieving a common position.

Although these are positive developments, more work needs to be done to address the text’s shortcomings, particularly on benchmarks, the impact of the cross-sectoral correction factor and on effective compensation for indirect costs across Europe.

A significant investment challenge lies ahead for European manufacturing industry to transform its production base and regain competitiveness. We will constructively engage with policy-makers to ensure industry’s viability and that the ETS rewards low-carbon investments. We urge the Envi Committee to seize the opportunity to build upon Itre’s lead and to put the ETS on a pro-investment track.

For more information, please contact Nicola Rega at n.rega@cepi.org or by mobile: (+32) 26274918.