European projects

Recycling of packaging: the new European method, EcoPaperLoop

The EcoPaperLoop European project is about to end, with the project expected to be finalized by December 2014. An important objective reached consisted in the finalization of a shared method for the sharing of the evaluation of recyclability of packaging, which will be proposed as a European method to the European Recovered Paper Council (Erpc).
Chemical companies are at the forefront in safeguarding the environment. High risk firms, especially chemical ones, are those that most actively work to limit their impact. These are the findings of an international survey conducted by DNV GL - Business Assurance, a world leading certification body, and the research institute GFK Eurisko, on more than 3,500 professionals from businesses in different sectors in Europe, North America, Central and South America and Asia.

Chemical companies at the forefront of environmental safeguard

The higher the risk, the deeper the conscience: strict regulations and external pressures lead to dialogue with stakeholders and foresight initiatives.

Some believe in miracles…

European Directives for industrial products

The New Legal Framework and the «Alignment Package»

On February 26 a package of eight Directives has been adopted and then published on March 29 in the Official Journal of the European Union.