
FSC launches new global brand: Forests For All Forever

Two Sides launches European fact sheets to combat environmental misconceptions of print and paper use.

Two Sides launches European fact sheets to combat environmental misconceptions of...

11 fact sheets to address a wide array of environmental and social issues: a global initiative to promote the sustainability and attractiveness of print and paper.

Erpc Launches Call for Candidates for 2015 European Paper Recycling Awards

The awards will identify projects, initiatives and campaigns that contribute to Europe’s sustainability through activities supporting paper recycling. Winners will be announced at the official awards ceremony taking place at the European Parliament on 14 October.
The thermal energy recovered as hot water and steam is used inside the plant.
Energy Efficiency

Optimizing electric and thermal energy consumption

Combined heat and power generation: saving energy and reducing the environmental impact at the same time.

Withdrawal of the European Commission Waste Package

The aim is reducing burdens and counter-productive red tape to promote a Circular Economy.

The Brain Prefers Paper