
Capuano takes on the role as new Chairman of Cepi


As of January 2020, Ignazio Capuano is the new Chairman of Cepi. Capuano was CEO of the Italian company Burgo Group Spa and Vice-President of the Italian paper manufacturers’ association Assocarta.

Ignazio Capuano, who holds an MA degree in engineering and a Master degree in economics from New York University, has been working in the paper industry since 1991 as general manager of Saffa, CEO of Reno de Medici and currently as CEO of the Burgo Group, where he has been working since 2016.

He has worked in the utility sector as CEO of RWE Italy, in the banking industry with Manufacturers Hanover Trust of New York (now JP Morgan Chase) and in the strategic consulting sector with KPMG.

«I am proud to take over the presidency of the European paper industry confederation with the recent announcement of the Green New Deal. This is a great challenge that the paper industry has already taken up by paving the way to an increasingly competitive and sustainable production, thereby indicating solutions that are based on innovation and circularity for a carbon neutral Europe by 2050», says Ignazio Capuano with reference to his election as Cepi Chairman.

«In my capacity as Cepi Chairman, my task will be to continue the work already started towards the attainment of the 2050 climate objectives, starting from the environmental results already obtained by the sector and always paying attention to the efficient use of our natural resources. The paper industry has a great environmental history to tell as an example of circular economy and commitment to sustainable development for future generations».

Ignazio Capuano’s mandate will last two years, from 2020 to the end of 2021.

«We wish Ignazio Capuano every success for his time as Chairman and we look forward to working under his leadership to help the European paper industry continue its growth path while staying sustainable and providing solutions for the climate neutral society of 2050», says Jori Ringman, Director General of Cepi.