Folding boxboard

Buchmann sets sail for the future


Cartonboard manufacturer Buchmann from Annweiler-Sarnstall is getting ready for the future and plans to steadily increase production output over the next few years. This is because the market for renewable packaging solutions is booming.  At the same time, the owners are prospectively looking for a suitable strategic successor.

Buchmann has been a family-run company for 125 years and specializes in the production of folding boxboard.  In Annweiler, approximately 330 employees produce up to 280,000 tonnes of cartonboard per year based on recovered paper.

The market outlook is good, as consumer demand for sustainable packaging solutions and alternatives to plastic is steadily increasing.

«We are very pleased about the growing demand for our products, however, we cannot yet sufficiently meet the demand with the current production capacities.  Therefore, we will strive to further increase our output in the coming years,» explains Daniel Schätzle, Managing Director of Buchmann.

In this context, the challenges for production sites in Germany have grown significantly in recent years. In addition to strict regulatory requirements, manufacturers face international competition from factories with currently lower raw material and energy costs. In particular, the sharp rise in energy and chemical costs in Germany, require sustainable and intelligent concepts. «Our perspective goal is to produce approximately 400,000 tonnes of folding boxboard per year in Annweiler. In addition to the pure increase in output, we are also intensively working on concepts for sustainability through the most efficient use of raw materials and the reduction of specific energy requirements» explains Schätzle.

The products of Buchmann are used internationally – from the food to the cosmetics industry.  Here, the cartonboard from Annweiler stands for high quality and sustainability.

In view of the positive market development, the owners have decided to set the course for the future at an early stage and have therefore started to examine possible options for the strategic succession. The managing director is optimistic: «The chances are good to find a suitable successor very soon. After all, Buchmann, with its modern structure and attractive site conditions, offers the best prerequisites».