March. Editorial

«Basta: Get back on track!» in support of Europe’s economic recovery


by Massimo Medugno

Following the release of the Industrial Renaissance Communication Package of 22nd January 2014 launched by MEP Antonio Tajani, Cepi (the Confederation of European Paper Industries) launched a campaign calling for the EU to put the manufacturing industry at the heart of the European economy.

«Basta! Get back on track!» calls for the EU to reduce red tape, help win the global competitiveness race, rethink existing policies and put the focus back on industry. It intends to show how Industrial Renaissance can be put into practice. Mrs Presas, General Director of Cepi explained: «The Basta! messages are meant for the current Commission and the next one. The campaign seeks to make the Industrial Renaissance more concrete». By ensuring legislation is appropriate, affordable and consistent.

Four elements are part of this campaign:

1. Reduce red tape

The EU managed to create a staggering 2,314 new regulations and directives in 5 years, while producing 700 measures to reduce the amount of red tape that was created.

2. Help win the global competitiveness race
Europe is competing with regions that have lower taxes, lower wages and less strict legislation. The Commission must balance the playing field for European businesses. Closing the EU borders is not a solution, but allowing the unbalanced situation to continue erodes both the environmental and the economic foundations of sustainability in Europe, and globally.

3. Rethink existing policies

There is a considerable price gap between the costs for energy in Europe and those in the rest of the world. Words have to be put into practice now to create a level playing field on which European businesses can compete. There is a considerable price gap between the costs for energy in Europe and those in the rest of the world. The planned energy policies will disadvantage European manufacturers by increasing the gap still further, rather than seeking to narrow it and create a level playing field on which European businesses can compete with the rest of the world.

4. Focus back on industry

The European Commission needs to bring an industrial competitiveness dimension into EU policies at an early stage and keep in mind the importance of the value chain in manufacturing.