
Andritz has started state-of-the-art and environmentally leading pulp production and chemical recovery technologies in Brazil


Customer: Klabin’s Puma II line in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil

Production: Pulp

Supplier: Andritz

Description: Andritz has successfully started state-of-the-art and environmentally leading pulp production and chemical recovery technologies for Klabin’s Puma II line in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil.

Details: The Andritz scope of supply included:

– A wood processing plant with debarking and chipping line, which can process both eucalyptus (350 m3 sob/h) and pine (400 m3 sob/h), meaning that a log truckload of wood is emptied onto the line every ten minutes.

– The Herb recovery boiler from Andritz, which has a capacity of 3,300 tds/d with high steam parameters of 103 bar(a) and 502 °C to maximize power generation. It is equipped with the autonomous Smart sootblowing control solution that combines Smart sensors (HEWI) and controls to ensure the cleanability period, a higher availability of the boiler, as well as greater operating safety.

– A power boiler based on Andritz EcoFluid bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) technology with a steam production capacity of 220 t/h. It is combined with the recovery boiler to form a “boiler island”, and some of the auxiliary equipment is shared between the two boilers. This provides savings in investment and operating costs.

– A complete white liquor plant consisting of a recausticizing plant (5,000 m3 /d) and an Andritz LimeKiln (450 t/d) with a multi-fuel burner.