
An ad hoc package for handling paper


CLS, an Italian company dedicated to hiring, selling and maintaining forklift trucks and plant and equipment for logistics, and Hyster, global leader in the supply of forklift trucks, present the solutions designed specifically to meet the challenges of the supply chain in this sector. «The handling requirements for materials vary within the paper industry, and so we have adopted a personalised approach for each application», explained David Reeve, Industry Manager, Counterbalance Solutions of Hyster.

For example, for the manufacturing and recycling of paper, characterised by difficult environments and the common problem of engines overheating due to stagnation of dust and paper debris, Hyster has recently introduced a new forklift truck called «Cool Truck», based on the current Hyster H4.0-5.5FT range, with a lifting capacity of 4-5.5 tonnes.

Again, for example, the type of paper on rolls can vary: tissue paper, cardboard, corrugated paper, paper used for newspapers or for glossy magazines, with consequent notable differences in diameter and width, with heights which vary from 500 mm to 4.5 m and weights from 0.5 a 6.5 tonnes; they can also be difficult to handle, easily damageable and have a rather high value. For this Hyster works closely with the main manufacturers of roll clamps, thus offering a wide range of various clamps for any type of application.

Hyster has developed a solution package for the paper industry-3