
Dell’Osso steps down as iT’s Tissue Chairman


Marco Dell’Osso has stepped down from his position as Chairman of Tissue Italy the organization behind the iT’s Tissue events.

Having been instrumental in the creation and development of the unique iT’s Tissue brand since its inception in 2013, Dell’Osso said: «Today more than ever, iT’s Tissue offers the most effective meeting point for the global tissue industry. I leave the organisation in very good hands and remain a strong supporter of all that iT’s Tissue represents. I would like to thank all the network members and sponsors for their commitment to the project over the years and into the future».

The Tissue Italy network and iT’s Tissue events will now become the responsibility of the current Network Manager Stefano Bortoletto with Maddalena Marcone as PR and event Manager.

All the network members of Tissue Italy thanked Dell’Osso for his contribution to the success of the iT’s Tissue events, along with his commitment and leadership, and wished him well in his future projects.

The next iT’s Tissue event is scheduled for June 6-10, 2022.