Paper world

Cartography: 1,280 cartographic and topographic maps


Presentation in Florence (Italy) of the work on Italian 16th cent. cartography and topography “Cartografia e Topografia Italiana del XVI secolo. Catalogo ragionato delle opere a stampa”by Stefano Bifolcoand Fabrizio Ronca: event organized in collaboration with the local section of Unuci(National Union of Italian Officers on Leave) and Assocarta  with the support of Burgo Group.

This monumental work features three volumes finely printed on Burgo Group paper, which show the 1,280 cartographic and topographic maps and over 2,500 editions described in their different versions, all made in Italy during the 16th century, i.e. the golden age of Italian cartography. The publication had been long waited for by scholars, collectors and lovers of ancient cartography from all over the world and was edited by the authors Fabrizio Ronca and Stefano Bifolco.

«Even today, in times when we have Google Maps and GPS systems, we still feel the beauty to exhibit and contemplate a valuable and fine cartographic work, as well as the practical need of having a paper map to travel all over the world and, particularly, to cross and navigate the world. Or, more simply, to find one’s way in the woods or in the mountains when one is offline», says Massimo Medugno, General Director of Assocarta.