
Asian automated paper testing footprint


ABB has built on its established relationship with Cheng Loong Corporation by securing a contract to bring its L&W Autoline automated paper testing solution to a mill in Vietnam.

Cheng Loong Binh Duong Paper Company’s mill in the southeast of Vietnam will now have the market’s fastest and most reliable automated paper testing solution to deliver accurate and repeatable quality reports in minutes. The L&W Autoline will be fitted with modules for thickness, tensile stiffness orientation (TSO), moisture, bursting strength and grammage measurements – improving quality and saving time when compared to stand-alone laboratory testing.

Automated paper testing has traditionally been less common in the Asian market compared to other parts of the world. However, usage is increasing with double the installations in Southeast Asia over recent years, underscoring the need for expedited quality feedback that today’s operations require. Automated paper testing generates frequent, reliable quality information and allows faster process corrections due to quicker tests and more data points.

The upgrade will replace the mill’s manual laboratory testing, which, despite confirming final product quality does not capture all irregularities nor is produced in real time.