
Andritz has received an order from Klabin to supply energy-efficient and environmentally friendly pulp production technologies and key process equipment for Klabin’s “PUMA II” project in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil


Customer: Klabin 

Production: Pulp

Supplier: Andritz 

Description: Andritz has received an order from Klabin to supply energy-efficient and environmentally friendly pulp production technologies and key process equipment for Klabin’s “PUMA II” project in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil. The order value for Andritz is in the range of approx. 190 million euros.

Details: For Puma II, the Andritz scope of supply includes the following equipment, to be supplied on full EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) basis:

– A complete Wood Processing Plant using the same proven technology as the existing Andritz woodyard for the Puma Unit line; including two eucalyptus debarking and chipping lines, chip storage with 360° stacker-reclaimer, chip screening, bark handling with Andritz BioCrushers, bark storage, and a purchased biomass receiving system for the new power boiler.

– An Andritz HERB Recovery Boiler for a combustion capacity of 3,300 tds/d with high steam parameters of 103 bar(a) and 502°C to maximize power generation. Andritz’s delivery includes state-of-the-art sootblowing control technology. Optimum sootblowing results are controlled by Andritz’s lastest technology innovations: the Hanging Heat-Transfer Surface Weight Indicator (HEWI) and the sootblowing Advanced Control Expert (ACE).

– A complete White Liquor Plant, consisting of the same technology as the mill’s existing Andritz white liquor plant in the Puma unit. The new recaustizing plant (5,000 m3/d capacity) includes efficient green liquor filtration with LimeGreen filters, maximizing the white liquor quality, and efficient lime mud filtration with a LimeDry filter – ensuring high lime mud dryness, which results in low heat consumption in the kiln. The LimeKiln has a multifuel burner and capacity of 450 t/d.

– A Power Boiler based on Andritz EcoFluid Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) technology. The new Power Boiler is combined with the Recovery Boiler to form a “Boiler Island”, and some of the auxiliary equipment is shared between the two boilers. The capacity of the boiler is 220 t/h of superheated steam, which is brought to a steam turbine shared with the Recovery Boiler. The fuels used are bark and wood rejects from the mill.

Start-up: Start-up has been scheduled in the second quarter of 2021.