
Ahlstrom-Munksjö to operate under the business name Ahlstrom


Since last October, Ahlstrom-Munksjö has been on the market under the business name Ahlstrom. The company completed the reorganisation of the ownership of its Decor business and then went ahead with its plan, announced in May 2022, to change its name to Ahlstrom. The sold Decor business continues as an independent company under the well-known Munksjö name and its offer consists of decorative surface materials for the building materials industry. Munksjö is the only international brand focused exclusively on decorative paper.

n June 2022, Ahlstrom-Munksjö announced its intention to accelerate the pace of its strategy execution and set a goal to become the preferred sustainable specialty materials provider through a clearly defined purpose, sharper strategic focus and ambitious sustainability targets.  A new operating model and reporting structure, effective as of July 2022, was implemented to effectively carry out the work.

«This is a natural step for us as the name Ahlstrom has more than 170 years meritorious history» says president and CEO Hans Sohlström. «We are serving five growing markets and are leading the development in all these areas among the top companies. We will continue to operate through 38 plants in 13 countries and with some 7,000 employees who represent more than 50 nationalities».

«Our strategic ambition for 2025 is to become the leader in combining fibers into performance materials. Everything we do will serve our purpose to purify and protect, with every fiber, for a sustainable world. It is now our turn to take Ahlstrom to the future and transform it to the Preferred Sustainable Specialty Materials Company».

The change of the business name to Ahlstrom is accompanied by a renewed logo where the symbol remains the same and the name is changed to Ahlstrom.