Corrugated board

DS Smith continues expanding


The European supplier of recycled corrugated cardboard packaging DS Smith has acquired DPF Groupe. This is a French group with a capital of 16 million Euros, which works mainly through two companies, i.e. DPF in Rives (near Grenoble) and Tout’Embal in Alès, and employs about 80 people. DS Smith executive director Miles Roberts has declared that «we are happy to announce that we have acquired DPF Groupe and we are very happy to work with our new colleagues, while we continue reinforce our offer in France. DPF Groupe will enable us to increase our capacity in the markets that are currently growing, which are complementary to DS Smith in geographical terms». Last April DS Smith announced that its turnover was in line with the forecasts, with a marked growth in turnover. At the same time, it announced that the recent acquisitions by Creo in the United Kingdom, Gopaca, Deku-Pack and P & I in Portugal and Parish Manufacturing in the US are well integrating.