Paper Process

Avoid production losses with the predictive diagnostics


Piaggio & Figli Service of Genoa, for which the supply of Predictive Diagnosis (PD) services is just one of the product lines, therefore directly prepares, thanks to its experience in the repair and maintenance of even very large machines (in the paper industry, large motors or cogeneration generators), proposals designed to retain or improve the reliability of its customers’ assets: and it does so through the potential replacement/repair of worn components and/or those at risk of breakage, before the greater damages are effectively caused.

The main advantages of the Piaggio & Figli Service DP programme for a service that can be carried out both at their offices and in the paper mill, are as follows:

  • improved reliability of the production system and/or energy management of the paper plant
  • reduced costs of replacing any deteriorated parts
  • reduced system down-time
  • easier maintenance
  • improvement of performance and tracking of the condition of the machine over time

Piaggio & Figli Service srl uses specialised hardware and dedicated software packages to perform DT to verify machine performance and compare the results with the manufacturer’s original specifications. All activities are certified ISO 9001 and the DP reports are issued in compliance with the most severe international standards applicable.
