Graphic & special papers

Ikea awards Burgo with the Tulip award


Ikea awarded the prestigious Tulip Award 2015 to the Burgo Group this year. Very popular among the countless suppliers of the Swedish multinational, the Tulip Award confirms Burgo’s outstanding performance in the field of environmental sustainability and safety. An important recognition, obtained thanks to the success of the unannounced audit conducted at the paper mill in Verzuolo (Cuneo, Italy), which showed a significant upward trend in Burgo’s performance, full compliance with the strict standards imposed by Ikea, and great eagerness to welcome the inspectors in charge of the audit, providing them with all the necessary assistance.

Burgo Group is among the suppliers of the paper used to print the popular Ikea catalogue, paper that is produced in different factories (Verzuolo, Villorba, Duino and Sora), and in Belgium by Burgo Ardennes. All of these manufacturing plants are subjected to routine inspections, in order to ensure compliance with environmental and safety standards. In the case of Verzuolo though, as pointed out in the caption of the award, it was the first audit carried out at a paper manufacturer without notice, precisely to verify the environmental conditions and general safety of the plant, with a surprise visit.

Carlotta Priola (Sustainability Manager Burgo Group) and Raffaele Marinucci (Genral Manager Verzuolo mill) holding the IKEA Tulip Award and Certificate.
Carlotta Priola (Sustainability Manager Burgo Group) and Raffaele Marinucci (Genral Manager Verzuolo mill) holding the Ikea Tulip Award and Certificate.

«Customer audits are a strong motivation for us to pursue a path of continued improvement», says Raffaele Marinucci, General Manager of the paper mill in Verzuolo (Cuneo). «The Ikea Tulip Award is proof that the perseverance and efforts of the mill in Verzuolo to comply with the strict parameters imposed by the customer have led us to remarkable achievements, thanks also to the fruitful cooperation between workers at the factory and the Group’s Environment & Ecology Division».

Burgo Group is one of the leading European manufacturers of graphic and special paper, and adopts a responsible approach in its manufacturing strategies. For this reason, it is actively committed to implementing Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Polices, and its achievements have led it to obtain important recognition for its products and manufacturing processes. In fact, Burgo is certified with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, EMAS, FSC, PEFC and Ecolabel.