Food Packaging

Most by Walki protects food from harmful mineral oils


Mosh (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon) and Moah (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbon) are commonly used in industrial inks and can sometimes be found in printing dyes for packaging materials. According to a study published by Dr. Koni Grob et al. and the Swiss Official Food Control Authority, dry food runs a significant risk of mineral oil contamination originating from recycled fibre-based packaging materials.

Walki has developed Walki Pack Most (Mineral Oil Safe Technology), a polymer laminate packaging product that provides the most effective barrier of its kind against mineral-oil contamination. In addition to shutting out grease and water, this glueable, sealable and recyclable packaging solution also provides a secure polymer barrier against mineral oil contamination.

Walki Pack Most creates a barrier against other unwelcome substances, such as Benzophenone, Bisphenol A, Dipn and softeners, which could be found in recycled fibres. It also prevents cross contamination from other transport packaging. Walki Pack Most has been approved for direct food contact, in accordance with EU directive 10/2011.

The effectiveness of Walki Pack Most has been verified by independent research institutes such as VTT in Finland and Innoform in Germany, as well as by renowned expert Dr. Rainer Brandsch from MDCTec Systems GmbH.

Although there are currently no EU standards that regulate Mosh and Moah, many governments are looking into new legislation. In Germany, laws could be introduced as early as 2016 and are likely to pave the way for EU-wide mineral oil regulations.