Installations&Startings | Sweden

Efficiency and productivity at SCA’s expanded pulp mill


ABB will provide integrated solutions using ABB’s market-leading automation platform System 800xA and custom-engineered software for pulp processes. The solution includes engineering for the control system and optimization of all processes at SCA Östrand’s expanded pulp mill in Timrå, Sweden opening in June 2018, as well as the design of the control room.

The control center where the control room will be situated, will be designed to apply the latest advances in ergonomics, design and layout to ensure the operator environment is attractive, efficient and conducive to cooperation between all employees at the mill, resulting in one of the best operator environments in the world. To this end, all operators will monitor and control the entire mill from eight Extended Operator Workplaces, fully integrated operator solutions that provide process control, access to the right information and unrivaled opportunities for personal intelligent ergonomics, in a single solution. To this end, all operators will monitor and control the entire mill from eight Extended Operator Workplaces, with a fully integrated control system that provide unparalleled connectivity and full plant overview of the whole process and all devices. The result is improved operations, engineering, control and maintenance through a collaborative environment.

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