Customer: Wepa group, Piechowice plant
Production: high quality tissue paper
Supplier: Toscotec
Start-up: the machine went in operation on February the 9, 2017, eleven months after the beginning of the works and six days in advance of the official scheduled start- up.
Speed: 2,000 m/min
Width: 2.8 m
Characteristics: the Toscotec turn-key delivery includes a stock preparation system for virgin pulp and brokes, an Ahead-2.0S tissue machine equipped with TT SYD-15FT and all auxiliaries, electrification & control system. Full engineering, erection, erection supervision, training, start-up and commissioning were also included in the scope of the supply.
Details: the new paper machine is already working efficiently, in particular from an energy point of view, and contributes in reducing the ecological footprint of the Wepa Group by reducing CO2 emissions.